Vision portable data recorder
The Nicolet Vision combines the best elements of DAT/AIT recorders, oscillographs and oscilloscopes in a new vision of portable data acquisition
The Nicolet Vision combines the best elements of DAT/AIT recorders, oscillographs and oscilloscopes in a new vision of portable data acquisition. Like an oscillograph the Vision has real-time scrolling, triggered or XY displays. And like a tape recorder, it has continuous, gap-free data storage over very long recording times. Vision can save 16 channels of 16-bit data continuously to a 9 GB hard drive at 100 kS/s per channel, which is unprecedented performance in a portable, inexpensive package. Plus many features you'd expect in a more expensive research system, like digital filtering, real-time measurements, and full network access via the integrated Ethernet connection. Plug-in signal conditioning "dongles" provide power and connections to ICP accelerometers, thermocouples, and 4-20 mA process signals. Review and analyze data onboard the Vision or using the DataViewer software on a PC.
Nicolet Instrument Technologies, 5225-4 Verona Road, Madison, WI 53711. Tel: 608-276-5600; Fax: 608-273-5061.
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